We all know they are out there. The ages and location of these suspects surprises me a bit, but hey, I guess those Charleston County property taxes can be a bitch for someone on a fixed income.
And yet another black on black shooting in downtown Charleston. As usual, the P&C provides NO description of the victim or suspects. Wanna guess why? They sure didn't waste any time putting up the mugshots of those two white folks in the story above. Mugshots of black suspects usually take two days or more to hit the paper or website. Nothing unusual here folks, move along.
In typical fashion, the P&C chooses not to do even the most basic investigation to gather information for the story. I spent three minutes finding this at the Charleston County website:
Goodwin plead guilty to possession of less than a gram of meth/cocaine base on 10.27.2011 and appears to have been sentenced to 60 days by Judge Roger Young. Hey P&C - here's a hint - maybe this conviction has something to do with why he was shot. Consider it and let me know what you think.
Here is a shot from Goodwin's FB page. He attended Burke High School. Now there's a reference. In this pic he is throwing up the typical ghetto gang sign that makes these idiots look like arthritic, gay, ghetto boys.
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